10 Chambers Collective



Last two Expeditions of Rundown 002 / Infection available now!

Target number of successful expeditions is reached, and The Warden has lifted restrictions for R2D2 and R2E1. Prisoners! Well done. For the last expeditions of Rundown 002 / Infection to be unlocked – D2 and E1 – The Warden had a specific target number of expedition survivals: over 1000 players had to survive D1. That number is now reached and the game is updated with R2D2 and R2E1. Update the game and you will get access. Good job, Prisoners.

GTFO PATCH NOTES – 2020-04-24

GTFO PATCH NOTES – 2020-04-24
Some balancing, tweaks and groundwork for future updates. PATCH NOTES / BALANCE PATCH Rundown 002 / Infection Good day, Prisoners. Yesterday we pushed out a new update with some balancing, tweaks, and laid some groundwork for future, bigger updates. As always, find the change list below. CHANGE LIST On-screen liquid effect tweaked Bounce light, post-processing & lighting calculation tweaks Fixed a bug where certain lights didn’t turn on correctly on level generation Fixed a bug where ragdolls of enemies would occasionally flip out Gave the Sniper one more mag in total ammo Lowered the amount of damage the Sentry guns does from behind Continues improvements on textures & models A lot of “in the background” tweaks & groundwork for future updates

We’re live on Twitch

We’re Live on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/insinuationgaming Today we made a big announcement, We now have our first eSports team! Obsidian Phantoms will be playing in Call of Duty: Warzone. Come watch us on Twitch!