Why do some champs get so many skins? Why not have a galaxy every round of TFT? Why’s my MMR suck?
Welcome to Ask Riot!
This week, we’re talking about skins for popular champions, galaxies in TFT, and your MMR.
BUT FIRST… a message from the editor. If you have a question for us, please be sure to ask it! The more questions we get, the better we understand what you care about, so please send away. We’re still trying to figure out whether Ask Riot will cover all games in the future, but in the meantime, feel free to ask us about anything. Now to today’s answers…
Why do some champions like lux and kai’sa get so many skins while others like ornn and bard get so few or even none?
We often prioritize skins for our most popular champions, like Lux and Kai’Sa, because they reach a huge number ...