Creator ACT Triggers!

Credit: Goofy Brah of Leviathan

Some are of my creation and some are taken from other reddit threads/guides/streams etc. so thank you all who have directly or indirectly helped!

Simply select everything in between the < and the >, open ACT, go to the custom triggers tab, and click the “Import XML” button in the very top right next to “Show Timers” and it should beep after a second and POOF! DONE!




Lets you know when a countdown starts: <Trigger R=”Battle commencing in” SD=”Countdown” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=” General” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Lets you know when someone starts a ready check: <Trigger R=”has initiated a ready check” SD=”Ready check” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=” General” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />




Double Scarpline mini: <Trigger R=”Refurbisher 0 readies Double Scrapline” SD=”Mini” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A9S” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Scrapline Behind: <Trigger R=”Refurbisher 0 readies Scrapline” SD=”Behind” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A9S” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />




Extreme Caution (Blight): <Trigger R=”Lamebrix Strikebocks readies Gobsnick Leghops.” SD=”Blight” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A10″ T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Tank Buster: <Trigger R=”Lamebrix Strikebocks readies Gobrush Rushgob.” SD=”Tank Buster” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A10″ T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Really not much for A10S since most of the mechanics are very scripted. 





Shiva: <Trigger R=”14:1A6C:Cruise Chaser starts using Optical Sight” SD=”Shiva” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A11s” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Edge: <Trigger R=”14:1A6D:Cruise Chaser starts using Optical Sight” SD=”Edge” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A11s” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Spread: <Trigger R=”14:1A6E:Cruise Chaser starts using Optical Sight” SD=”Spread” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A11s” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />


Left Lazer Sword: <Trigger R=”The Cruise Chaser readies Left Laser Sword.” SD=”Go Right” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A11″ T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Right Lazer Sword: <Trigger R=”The Cruise Chaser readies Right Laser Sword.” SD=”Go Left” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A11″ T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Photon: <Trigger R=”The Cruise Chaser readies Photon” SD=”Stop” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A11″ T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />




Debuff callouts: <Trigger R=”You suffer the effect of (Defamation|Shared Sentence|House Arrest|Restraining Order|Aggravated Assault)” SD=”$1″ ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A12″ T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Radiant Sacrament: <Trigger R=”Alexander Prime readies Radiant Sacrament.” SD=”Donut” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A12″ T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Sacrament: <Trigger R=”Alexander Prime readies Sacrament.” SD=”Plus Sign” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A12″ T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Punishing Heat: <Trigger R=”Alexander Prime readies Punishing Heat.” SD=”Tank Buster” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A12″ T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />


My group is still in prog for A11S so there will probably be more triggers as we go. Obviously that means we haven’t touched A12S so I don’t really have anything useful but I already have some ideas for triggers when we get there! PLEASE comment on the reddit thread with triggers you have and want to share, any questions you may have about uploading/changing/making triggers, or anything else you may think of! 


Have a nice day!


These are older triggers I have for Sophia EX, A7S, A8S, and General Midas!




Bunny Mudra: <Trigger R=”(use|uses) Rabbit Medium.” SD=”Bunny” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=” General” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Miss Trigger (This will call out if someone misses and ability or does it without the combo. So let’s say I, as a dragoon, use Chaos Thrust without doing ID and Dis, it would say “Goofy Brah missed Chaos Thrust”)

 <Trigger R=”:(?&lt;fname&gt;.\w+) (?&lt;lname&gt;.\w+):[^:]*:(?&lt;ability&gt;Aeolian Edge|Gust Slash|Dancing Edge|Trick Attack|Shadow Fang|Armor Crush|Sneak Attack|Savage Blade|Royal Authority|Riot Blade|Goring Blade|Rage Of Halone|Maim|Skull Sunder|Butcher’s Block|Storm’s Path|Storm’s Eye|Syphon Strike|Souleater|Spinning Slash|Delirium|Power Slash|Disembowel|Chaos Thrust|Vorpal Thrust|Full Thrust)(?::[^:]*){10}:(70105|70103|25070103|25070105|2C070103|2C070105|21070203|21070205|70203|70205)” SD=”${fname} missed ${ability}” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=” General” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />




Thunder 2:<Trigger R=”Sophia readies Thunder II.” SD=”Front” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”Sophia EX” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Thunder 3:<Trigger R=”Sophia readies Thunder III” SD=”Donut” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”Sophia EX” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />




Prey Target:<Trigger R=”1B:[0-9A-F]{8}:(?&lt;char&gt;[a-zA-Z’]*) [a-zA-Z’]{1,}:[0-9A-F]{4}:[0-9A-F]{4}:0018:[0-9A-F]{4}:[0-9A-F]{4}:[0-9A-F]{4}:” SD=”beam ${char}” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A7s” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Padlock:<Trigger R=”Added new combatant Padlock” SD=”Padlock” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A7s” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Zoomdoom Disengage (for melee):<Trigger R=”Quickthinx Allthoughts starts using Zoomdoom on Quickthinx Allthoughts” SD=”disengage” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A7s” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Undying Affection (Heart):<Trigger R=”Shanoa readies Undying Affection” SD=”meow meow meow” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A7s” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />




Super Jump Target:<Trigger R=”Brute Justice starts using Super Jump on (?&lt;char&gt;[a-zA-Z’]*) [a-zA-Z’]{1,}” SD=”jump ${char}” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A8s” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Nisi A:<Trigger R=”You suffer the effect of Final Judgment: Decree Nisi A” SD=”blue a, blue a, blue a” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A8s” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Nisi B:<Trigger R=”You suffer the effect of Final Judgment: Decree Nisi B” SD=”red b, red b, red b” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”A8s” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />


Midas Savage


Lightning:<Trigger R=”You suffer the effect of Compressed Lightning.” SD=”Lightning” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”Midas Savage” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Water:<Trigger R=”You suffer the effect of Compressed Water.” SD=”Water” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”Midas Savage” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

High:<Trigger R=”You suffer the effect of High Arithmeticks.” SD=”Low” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”Midas Savage” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Low:<Trigger R=”You suffer the effect of Low Arithmeticks.” SD=”High” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”Midas Savage” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Prey on you:<Trigger R=”You suffer the effect of Prey” SD=”You Prey” ST=”3″ CR=”F” C=”Midas Savage” T=”F” TN=”” Ta=”F” />

Written by: Burnsy - Community Leader

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