Stellaris Dev Diary #333 – 3.11.1 “Eridanus” Notes, Introducing Subscriptions

written by Eladrin Hello! The 3.11.1 “Eridanus” update has been released! While the release notes should look relatively familiar to people who read last week’s preliminary changelog, here are the release notes for today’s update: 3.11.1 “ERIDANUS” CUSTODIAN UPDATE RELEASE NOTES[expand type=details] Feature​ Difficulty Adjusted Technology Costs slider added

3.11.1 “Eridanus” patch released (checksum 0a36)

by PDX-Loke Hello fellow stargazers, The 3.11.1 patch is now live and available for download. Please find the changelog below. Enjoy! 3.11.1 “ERIDANUS” CUSTODIAN UPDATE RELEASE NOTES Feature​ Difficulty Adjusted Technology Costs slider added to galaxy generation. This slider adjusts technology costs based on tier and game difficulty. Improvements​ Added


Patch Notes: S04.15 (96589 – 20/02/2024) Hello Miners, Due to demands from the Miners Union, Hunters can now Rock and Stone during prop hunt. We also fixed a pretty bad crash caused by losing a mission with bare arms, how humiliating! With Love,The Ghost Ship Crew — PATCH NOTES —