#MODJAM2024 Available Now!

Hello Stellaris Community! We’re proud to announce that #MODJAM2024 is available now! Get it here! Now’s the time where the Community gets to step in, and vote for your favorite submission. Vote for your favorite #MODJAM2024 Legendary Leaders here! What are the prizes, you ask? This year we’ve paired up


Patch Notes: S04.13 (build 94396 – 04/01/2024) Hello Miners, We have Identified our pre-xmas crash to be related to older gen Ryzen CPU’s. We have attempted some fixes, but adding additional logging, just in case the fixes do not work. With Love,The Ghost Ship Crew — PATCH NOTES —– Attempt

Stellaris #MODJAM2024 – Update #1

Hello Stellaris Community! #MODJAM2024 is well under way. This year we had over 100 modders sign up, and over 60 design documents submitted. While we aren’t expecting to have 60 Legendary Leaders submitted at the end of the competition (wouldn’t that be awesome though?). Today, we’re going to give you

Stellaris Dev Diary #327 – 2023 in Review

by Eladrin ❆❅✼❆❆✼❄❆❅❄❅❅❆❄❅✼❆❄❄❅❆❄❄❆❆❄✼❅❆❄❆❅❆✼❅❄❆❄❆❆❆❄✼❄❅❄✼❅❅❄​ Happy holidays everyone! Much of the Stellaris team has already taken off for a winter break, but it’s time for our annual retrospective on the year and thoughts about where we’re going next. We had three major releases in 2023 and a Custodian release. ❅❅❆❄❅❆❆✼❆❅❅❄❅❅❆❄✼❅❆❄❅❆❆✼❅✼❆✼❆❅❅❄❅❅❆❅❄❆❅❄❅❅❆❄❅❆❆❄✼❆ ❆❅❆❄❆❄❄❆❆✼❅❄❆✼❅✼❆✼❆❅❅❄❅❅❆❅❅✼❆❄✼✼❆❄✼❄❆✼❆❅❆❄❅❆❆❄❅✼❆✼❆❅ We

Season 04: HOTFIX S04.12.5

Hello Miners, This hotfix rolls the current version back to Patch: S04.11 – See patch notes here. We haven’t been able to fix the crash we’ve been hunting for the last couple of days, so we decided to roll back to the last stable version. Once we’re back from the