Patch 0.217.31 (Public Test)

Some small, but still very much important, fixes for this patch! Patch Notes: * Fixed a loading order issue for ObjectTypes, so now items/creatures won’t load before terrain is finished* ‘Use item’ hints on objects for the hotbar are now visible again when playing with a controller

Astral Planes and Stellaris 3.10.0 “Pyxis” Preliminary Release Notes

by Eladrin Hello everyone! Astral Planes and the Stellaris 3.10.0 “Pyxis” update are releasing this Thursday, November 16th. Today we’ve got the preliminary changelogs for your enjoyment. The Astral Planes Narrative Expansion is available for pre-purchase now, with a 10% discount until November 27th. Astral Planes Narrative Expansion Features​ Our

Patch 0.217.30

We have a further list of hotfixes for you today! Patch notes: * Fixed an issue where text would not load correctly if computer name uses non-english characters* Fixed and issue where the character orientation does not update when interacting with objects* Fixed an issue where the touchpad on PS

Stellaris Dev Diary #322 – 3.10.0 “Pyxis” Custodian Features

by Eladrin Hello everyone! The Stellaris 3.10.0 “Pyxis” update will be released alongside the Astral Planes Narrative Expansion on Thursday, November 16th. The expansion has a 10% discount until November 27th. Today we’ll have an extra dev diary reviewing some of the features the Custodian Team has been working

Astral Planes will release November 16th!

Astral Planes will be available on November 16th! [RDA trailer] Pre-Purchase Now on Steam! Astral Planes offers you the chance to chart your own path as you travel through Rifts in space and time for a glimpse of strange, new realities. What will you discover, in a universe beyond

Patch 0.217.29

We have just a small hotfix for you today! Patch notes: * Fixed an issue where text would not load correctly if computer name uses non-english characters* Fixed an issue with the player list having no background graphic* Fixed an issue with click sounds in the build menu* Fixed an

Patch 0.217.28

We know it’s a bit late, but this patch finally brings the Jack-o-turnip and the new pointy hat to the default branch of the game! Hopefully we will be able to change our system for this fairly soon, so that the seasonal content can simply be tied to specific dates