Stellaris Dev Diary #315 – The Velvet Glove

by Eladrin Hi everyone! 3.9.2 has been released with a handful of bugfixes. STELLARIS 3.9.2 PATCH NOTES [expand type=showmore] ############################################################​#################### VERSION 3.9.2 ######################​############################################################​Balance Pre-FTL empires now have reduced technological development before the mid-game year. Catalytic empires can now build bio-reactors. Bugfix Anomalies that reward Scientist Expertise traits now apply those

3.9.2 Patch Released

Hello all,The latest minor patch for Stellaris is ready and released, fixing a number of issues and further balancing the new mechanics. We’re also planning a follow-up 3.9.3 patch for mid to late October, which will include some of the issues brought up during the Open Beta that require new

Patch 0.217.20 (Public Test)

Some adjustments to the previous patch! Most notable, we fixed the issue where your keybinds wouldn’t save correctly, but a handful of other fixes are in this patch as well! Patch notes: Fixes and improvements:* Fixed a bug that caused keyboard and mouse keybinds to not load/save properly* Blue standing

0.217.19 (Public Test)

Welcome to the first bug fixer patch since Hildir’s Request was released! As you can see it’s quite a list, with various fixes to things such as the snapping system and the enemies. One of the more notable fixes is of course the added functionality which lets you use the

Oktoberfest 2023

Hello Miners! Not like you dwarves needed another reason for drinking and dancing, but Oktoberfest 2023 is finally here! And we’re celebrating in style: Introducing the new Lederhosen outfit, a traditional leather costume as practical as it is flattering Serving up the Sausagebucket hat, a glorious meaty bouquet for your