Patch Notes – S04.03

Hello Miners, Fixed several beer bugs and the barrel hoop game will now correctly murder you if you fall into it with jetboots – very important stuff…We also fixed the broken dreadnought armour, so no more easy Elimination missions! With Love,The Ghost Ship Crew — PATCH NOTES —– Fixed an

Patch Notes – S04.02

Hello Miners, Just a couple of bug fixes to get your week started miners… Now get back to work! With Love,The Ghost Ship Crew — PATCH NOTES — – Typo fixes– Fixed Incorrect mission control voiceline on salvage with lithophage warning– Fixed Driller Platinum paintjob inconsistent with other classes– Fixed

Patch 0.217.6 (Public Test)

We hope you’re all having a fun time with Hildir’s Request so far! We’ve got a few miscellaneous fixes for you today which should hopefully make everything a bit smoother. Patch notes: Fixes & Improvements:* Re-added missing Smelter hoover text* All clothes sold from Hildir now only provide 1 armour*

Patch Notes: S04.01.1

Hello Miners, You can now build without progress being reset if you take a little break, just as Karl intended With Love,The Ghost Ship Crew — PATCH NOTES — – Fixed issue that caused all building progress to reset when the player stopped building


Hello Miners, We hope you are enjoying the sticky gooey missions of Season 4! Patch 1 has a number of fixes, including a fix for a frequent crash and some fixes to loadouts and enemies. With Love,The Ghost Ship Crew — PATCH NOTES — Added sound to randomize buttons Flaregun