Board Game Kickstarter ends in 48 hours

                                                        48 hours left – Back the board game here Hello Miners, First, thanks to all of you who followed our livestream Friday and helped us celebrate our 4 year anniversary. And a big welcome to all the new players joining over the Free Weekend. Now on to the news on

Patch 0.207.20

The fenrings stalking the Mountains at night had to come from somewhere. Now you can finally discover the strange frozen caves where their brethren reside – if you’re brave enough to face them. Maybe you’ll even be able to learn a thing or two from how they fight? For this

The frozen caves have thawed…

Vikings! This blogpost wraps up Valheim’s anniversary month, and we want to summarise it for those who might have missed it. Earlier this month we released a fireside chat where CEO/lead designer Richard, lead artist Robin, and community manager Josefin discuss the past, present and future of Valheim. They talk

4 Year Anniversary Event

Hello Miners,Four years in orbit! That calls for a celebration. Luckily, we have been preparing just such a thing. From Thursday February 24th 18:00 (UTC+1), a brand new anniversary event will be live in the game, ending Monday March 7th 18:00 (UTC+1). Here’s a rundown of all the cool things