Patch 0.206.5

We’ve concluded that you’ve all been on good behavior, so we have some holiday gifts for you all! This includes some seasonal decorative items, as well as a brand new armor stand that you can use to display your armor sets. To let you all get some peaceful rest, we

Patch 0.205.5

We noticed that some items tended to auto-stack and disappear in multiplayer, and we’re happy to say that the responsible fulings have finally been caught and dealt with. For this patch we’ve also adjusted the music volume in the Swamps, which was a bit lower than the rest. And just

No Fly Zone

Helicopters became a staple of Warzone’s Battle Royale battlefield but, in a recent update, have been removed. This is most likely due to the latest hack where you could fly a helicopter under the map to win the game. Currently, there is no indication of when they will be returned

The Front Line Puzzle

Since the launch of Warzone there has been questions about what the purpose of the Secret Bunkers, Phones and Computers across the maps. Is it a nuclear device? are there zombies locked away in the bunker? Is it just full on amazing loot? We have spent some time scouring the

1% chance to secure victory

Whilst searching around for equipment across Verdansk there is a 1% chance of finding a Grenade Launcher. The Grenade Launcher is one of the few weapons that you can only get as a random drop and cannot be found in chests. We have found that there is a slightly higher