Hello Miners, Due to the amount of feedback we got regarding the Core Stone event, we have tweaked the encounter, overall decreasing the difficulty, especially on higher hazards. We also included a few other fixes. With Love,The Ghost Ship Crew — PATCH NOTES — Crawler Tweaks– Reduced movement speed by

Halloween 2024 preview

Hello Miners, Shellback, Stingtail, Core Spawn, Cave Leech /Grabber, Guard, a Glyphid with no conscience / Question, what do these things have all in common? Everybody knows I’m a motherfit’s almost time for Hoxxes Halloween 2024! You heard it here first: the seasonal spook-tacular is coming back! Hoxxes Halloween 2024

3.13.2 patch released (checksum d465)

by PDX-Loke Dear Stellaris Fans, We’ve created another small patch for you, aiming to address a couple of noteworthy issues coming out of last week. 3.13.2 is available for download now. 3.13.2 Patch Notes Bugfix Fixed the issue where Gestalt Empire industrial districts only provided 1 Fabricator job instead of

Development Blog: Counting Down

Greetings vikings! Autumn is well and truly here, and it’s time for another run-down of what’s new! First off, let’s start with what’s most imminent. The Valheim board game is getting ready to launch its Gamefound campaign, so make sure to check it out if you haven’t already. The campaign