
Patch 0.219.16

Hello vikings! We’ve got a patch full of fixes for you today, now live for everybody! Most importantly are probably those concerning gamepads, as they were having some significant issues. But with the new fixes in place, everything should be back to normal! Aside from the gamepad issues, this patch

Stellaris Dev Diary #362 – Overwhelming Power

written by Eladrin Hi everyone! Today we’re going over the release notes from Tuesday, talking about the further plans for the Circinus cycle, and exploring the reaction to last week’s dev diary, The Vision. 3.14.159 Release Notes[expand type=details expanded=false]We released the 3.14.159 patch on Tuesday, and these were the release notes:Improvements

Patch 0.219.16 (Public Test)

⚠️ Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience. ACCESS:

Patch 0.219.14

Here comes a hotfix to address the most pressing issues from The Bog Witch update! Patch Notes: Fixes & Improvements:* Fixed an issue making input on controllers where using the inventory and making small movements became very difficult* Player characters no longer sits down when using the D-pad in the

Patch 0.219.13 – The Bog Witch

After a couple of weeks in the Public Test Branch, with tweaks and adjustments, it’s now time to release the latest Valheim update to everyone! Valheim: The Bog Witch features a brand new trader to be found in the Swamps, who sells a bunch of different ingredients and materials for