April News

In case you missed it…
We announced a handy new way to communicate if you happen to find yourself stranded in the Antarctic earlier this month on April 1st.

Linux and VR support updates
Regretfully, we are announcing that we will no longer support Linux going forward. We know this will come as a disappointment to some of you, but it simply isn’t practical to provide support considering how quickly the software is changing and the limited number of people who actually use Linux to play We Were Here games.

The same goes for VR. It’s such a cool technology that it deserves to be done right, and we don’t have the resources for that in the foreseeable future. The VR mode for We Were Here was made some time ago now, and VR tech has come a long way since then! It doesn’t reflect our capabilities today, so we will be taking it offline.

Now to share some more cheerful bits and pieces, like…

Fantastic fan art!

We love this fridge art by player Nanofu!

Cool stuff by Fenris.

Exciting things in the future
We can’t wait to share what we’ve been working on! Thanks to everyone who filled out the We Were Here survey, we’ve been going carefully through the results and there’s a lot of valuable feedback there. Also some amusing details, like the fact there are 193 people (20% of respondents) who claim that ‘jump scares’ are what they enjoy most in puzzles. Make of that what you will…

That’s it for now! We’ll leave you with this great screenshot taken by player Fuego Fatuo…

Cheers!Total Mayhem Team

Written by: Total Mayhem Games