Early Access starts on April 16th!

Release in Early Access with a bunch of new features and musics. 2nd room for free in May/June!

Mad Experiments: Escape Room is OUT on APRIL 16th!

I’ve been on full throttle on Mad Experiments: Escape Room (MEER) before the quarantine but since it started 3 weeks ago, my working time has been drastically reduced, from 8-10 hours a day to 2-3h because of quarantine family time 🙂

I would never have the time to finish the 2nd room for the end of April so instead of delaying, I thought I could help people to connect with their friends and family by releasing the first room on Steam, on April 16th!

The 2nd room will be added for free in May/June. I’m sorry for the delay but I can’t deliver the 2nd room in its current state, it’s not even beta-ready.

Game development is an art that takes time because to build something great, you have to iterate a lot. You sometimes have to start things from scratch if what you had in mind just doesn’t work as expected.
As a solo dev, every iteration takes a toll on the development progress, hence the enormous amount of time required to build a game.

I thank you for the support you gave me since the beginning <3

Stay tuned I have few little surprises to share in the coming days and weeks 😉

Written by: PlayTogether Studios