Mad Experiments: Escape Room


v1.54 Update with “Extra Clues” menu is here!

Along with bugfixes! Hey everyone, I listen to your feedback very carefully as I want to game to feel comfortable when you play. That’s why a new section in the Player’s Menu is born: “More Clues”! It’s the first version so keep in mind that the visual is not final. Patch Notes 1.54: Extra clues: Added the first version of the “Extra Clues” section in the player’s pause menu. Based on your feedback, the game now provides additional clues for players who don’t want to get out of the game to get more clues. New Achievement – Master Mind: FInish the room without using extra clues MacOS & Linux “mouse not centered” issue: FIXED! Thank you for your patience! <3 Lobby room: Table collisions fixed! Comfort UI: “Use” only appears if target at an interactable object Timer has been 100% reworked so now, if the host disconnect, the timer will stay synced. FOX bugfix: Zooming-in will not reset camera’s FOV anymore Updated text ...

v1.50 Update with RELAX MODE is here!

Relax Mode and Bugfixes! Hey everyone, RELAX MODE is here! This feature was requested by many of you, it’s happening! In this mode, there is no time limit! You can now chill and take your time to escape the room because time has stopped… Patch Notes 1.50: RELAX MODE IS HERE! Chill and relax, you now have unlimited time in the room πŸ™‚ Just activate it when you create your game! Room 1: Some minor visual improvements Settings: Added resolutions 1680×1050 and 5760×1080 Settings: Master Volume is now called Ambient Volume πŸ˜‰ Increased the time before you get kicked from the maze for not moving Various network improvements macOS UI: The text should now appear correctly in Player’s pause menu I’m still working on the “mouse-not-centered” issue on macOS and Linux, as well as a rare issue that could happen when 2 players try to pick-up simultaneously the same item. Both should be fixed next week. Thank you for your tremendous ...

Update 1.42 for PC / MacOS / Linux

Hey everyone,The large majority of you are having a smooth ride but on some specific occasions, few bugs appeared. Patch notes 1.42:– MacOS: Trackpad and mac mouses should now work as intended– Comfort: Increase brightness on some clues– French: Fixed typo– Gramophone: fixed wrong text showing when adding the handle– Fixed message in the feedback report– Added possibility to pass the early access message with any key– Updated some localization texts Know Issues on macOS & LinuxThe cursor could be off-centered, which makes picking up objects and interacting a pain.For now, there is a workaround: In the visual settings, try to change the game’s resolution or screen aspect (full screen seems to be the most stable).It’s a complicated issue as the bugs come from the 3D engine that I use. I tried to write specific code for this issue for both ...

Update 1.41 for PC / MacOS / Linux

Some bug fixes + networking improvements. Also a list of known issues on MacOS and Linux Hey everyone, Here are the first patch notes for v1.41. The large majority of you are having a smooth ride but on some specific occasions, few bugs appeared. Patch notes 1.41:– Updated Unity Engine to 2019.3.10f1 – Bug: Fixed a rare issue that could occur if multiple clients disconnect during the end scene– Bug stuck: Fixed collision to avoid getting stuck in the generator room– Bug: The picture of Hildegarde will now properly appear – UI: Fixed some UI issue on EndScreen – Networking: Fixed errors if a client disconnects from the game then reconnects– Networking: Improved how some puzzles are handled in multiplayer– Networking: Optimizations on the Player Know Issues on macOS & LinuxThe cursor could be off-centered, which makes picking up objects and interacting a pain.For now, there is a workaround: In the visual settings, try to change the game’s ...

Mad Experiments: Escape Room is available today!

We enter Early Access Mad Experiments: Escape Room is OUT! OH MY GOD! The game is finally available! Thank you again for the support you gave me since the beginning! <3 A development roadmap will be available soon, I already can say that these features will be added: Relax Mode (no time-limit), controller support, skins for your character, more languages, more achievements, etc.And of course, Chapter 2 will be added in May/June πŸ™‚ Keep in mind that this is an Early Access version so you might encounter nasty bugs. Please report them by pressing F11, or send me an e-mail to HAVE FUN!

Patch notes 1.26 to 1.37

Thank you for your bug & feedback reports, it helps me to make a better game, more fun and stable πŸ™‚ Hey everyone,Sorry I usually share the patch notes on Discord but I’ve forgot to post them here.I will do my best to post the updates as soon as their release! Patch notes: 1.26 to 1.37– Settings: Added FoV in visual settings menu– Settings: You can now choose to Hold or Press to crouch– New ambient music system– 1 big new soundtrack + 3 new small tracks that play randomly in the room– A bunch of sound effects on every objects of the room– Settings: the sliders should now work properly when you have a controller plugged to your computer– Updated feedback form– Player moves a bit faster– Various optimizations of the main menu and room– Networking improvements– ...

Early Access starts on April 16th!

Release in Early Access with a bunch of new features and musics. 2nd room for free in May/June! Mad Experiments: Escape Room is OUT on APRIL 16th! I’ve been on full throttle on Mad Experiments: Escape Room (MEER) before the quarantine but since it started 3 weeks ago, my working time has been drastically reduced, from 8-10 hours a day to 2-3h because of quarantine family time πŸ™‚ I would never have the time to finish the 2nd room for the end of April so instead of delaying, I thought I could help people to connect with their friends and family by releasing the first room on Steam, on April 16th! The 2nd room will be added for free in May/June. I’m sorry for the delay but I can’t deliver the 2nd room in its current state, it’s not even beta-ready. Game development is an art that takes time because ...

Release of the game in April 2020 – Follow and Wishlist to get notified!

Demo now available for download! Release in April 2020!The game will release with an additional 1-hour room in April 2020! Don’t forget to wishlist and follow to support the game and get notified when it’s released! I intensively patched the game in December and January to make it stable and more user-friendly. The visual quality has improved along with performance, puzzles and clues have been refined.TLDR: The game is in a very good state, now it’s time to make Room 2! What a crazy beta!I never imagined receiving such warm and passionate support about players.During the last 90 days, thousands tried the game, and hundreds gave me feedback and reported bugs. THANK YOU! Join us on our Discord for the latest news, giveaways, community events and surprises to come πŸ™‚

Closed Beta starts today! Get your FREE key on Discord!

Try to beat the first room with up to 6 players online The closed beta of Mad Experiments: Escape Room has finally started! Get your free key on our Discord I’m eager to get your feedback on the game, as I’m starting to work on the 2nd room and I want to implement what I learnt until now to make it even better! “Mad Experiments: Escape Room” is a multiplayer narrative escape game. ● Play with up to 6 players ● Explore and interact with many items to uncover the secrets of the rooms ● Solve puzzles, riddles, and participate in strange experiments to get out of the room ● Use our Discord channel to find other players and communicate with your friends Mansion LabYou have been “invited” by Professor Cheshire and his assistant Hildegarde to try their new experiments. They are obsessed with people’s minds and want to see how you react to ...